We now have MINI canvases in stock at the studio. They are $5 if you want to buy one to take home with you. If you would like to paint one in the studio they are only $8 – includes your use of the paints, our brushes, and help from our talented staff. They are 2 inches wide by 2 inches tall and they come with their own little easel. They are SUPER cute! To get things started, we have challenged our staff to each paint one and here they are! We are going to give one of our staff members a $25 gift card if their canvas is picked as the BEST. This is where we need YOUR help! Please visit our Facebook page and vote for your favorite. The voting starts NOW and runs through Sunday, March 15th. When YOU vote, like the post, or share the post, you will be entered to win a $25 Picasso’s Palette gift card! You may only vote once, but please share and like the post so we can get others to vote as well. If you want to see the little canvases in person, they are on display in the studio. Thank you! Let the voting begin!