Would you like to book a Birthday or Corporate event?
We offer two options:
Semiprivate Party Room Option: This area will accommodate 10 guests for a two-hour time slot. With this option you will have one Studio Artist on staff to help your guests with their creativity. You are welcome to bring food and drinks as well as moderate decorations. As this area is not large, we ask that children’s birthday party guests are drop-off only except for the parents of the birthday child.
A $80 room rental fee is required when booking the semiprivate party room and is non-refundable.
Full Studio Option: For groups of 20 guests or more we will close our studio to walk-ins, and you have the run of the place for two hours! With this option you will have two Studio Artists on staff to help your guests with their creativity. You are welcome to bring food and drinks as well as moderate decorations.
A $200 studio rental fee is required when booking the party and is non-refundable.
Please call the studio, 352-789-6670, to speak to a party specialist about reserving your party today.
Click here to print a free and fun party invitation for your guests!
Download Party-Invite-blank-10.09.17.pdf
We can bring the party to you!
We will pack up our creativity and supplies along with the medium of your choice (pottery, canvas, or resin) and travel to your home or office for your special event. Our staff Artists will instruct your guests, providing guidance and support. Then, if applicable, we’ll bring your pottery to the studio to be fired. If you select canvas, your guests will be able to take their masterpiece home following your event, if resin is chosen the items must be left untouched in their original state for 24 hours before being taken home.